Expert Tree Relocation in Fort Wayne, IN

tree relocation in Fort Wayne, IN

Arborists know the importance of trying to save trees whenever possible. Consequently, our experts at Brandenberger Tree Care Professionals were ready for a recent challenge from a client. The homeowner wanted to relocate a spruce tree on the property. Our tree relocation experts in Fort Wayne, IN, focused on the careful removal of the tree and on avoiding transplant shock.

Spruce Tree Relocation in Fort Wayne, IN

  • Client Profile: Residential homeowner
  • Location: Fort Wayne, IN
  • Type of Service: Tree relocation
  • Season: Winter
  • Tree Type: Spruce
  • Tree Size: 10-15 feet tall
  • Equipment/Products Used: Norway tree spade
  • Specific Challenges: The client wanted to relocate a tree rather than remove it; the health and survival chances of the tree had to be confirmed before it could be moved; soil had to be prepared for planting
  • Additional Services: Debris cleanup


tree relocation in Fort Wayne, IN


Challenges of Relocating a Tree in Fort Wayne, IN

When the Fort Wayne, IN, homeowner called us to relocate a 10-to-15-foot tall spruce tree, we had the equipment ready. We chose our Norway tree hydraulic spade to remove the tree safely.

Before starting the job, we inspected the tree to ensure its health. We needed to be confident the tree would survive the replanting.

Ensuring the Health of the Relocated Tree

For this homeowner’s tree relocation in Fort Wayne, IN, we took several steps when moving the tree:

  • We prepared the tree’s new location with soil amendment. Applying treatments to the soil before replanting gave the tree the best chance at success.
  • We deployed root pruning techniques on the tree before starting to move it. This process encourages root growth in the new location.
  • We focused on creating as little disruption to the homeowner’s property as possible.
  • Afterward, we cleaned the debris at both the tree’s old site and new site.

Tree removal in Fort Wayne, IN, can be a challenging process. It takes the right tools and an assessment of the tree’s health before even starting. Using a ball-and-burlap method protects the tree for an easier transplant. 

How Our Professional Tree Relocation Service Satisfied the Client

Our pros at Brandenberger Tree Care Professionals handled every step for the client. We created a stress-free experience. We didn’t just jump into the project or cut corners. We formulated a detailed plan for the client’s spruce tree relocation and obtained the tree permits required in Fort Wayne

Customer satisfaction is our priority when relocating trees, handling canopy reduction, and other concerns. Call (260) 308-5596 today to set up an appointment for a free quote and consultation.

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